Public transport departures in your browser

This extension shows the nearest transport departures when you hover your mouse over its placeholder in Firefox's status bar. The information is based on data from departure tables. The popup automatically updates every time it displays, so it always displays the current relevant data.

To add a new watched transport, visit the iMHD site, select your city (in current betas only Bratislava is supported), select the transport number you want to observe, and finally - select a transport stop, where you usually get on. A transport departure table will display on the following page, copy the url from the Firefox address bar, rightclick the FoxIMHD icon in the status bar, click Options, New, specify your own name for the transport (this will display in the status bar as the transport's description) and paste the url you just copied. Click OK, and OK again. The transport will immediately get loaded, and a new transport icon with the name you entered will display.

Note: Currently, you need to rightclick the FoxIMHD statusbar icon, and click Reload once after the first import, to see where the transport is going from, to, and what its number is. This will be fixed in the next releases.

0.5b4 Release notes:

  • Firefox 3.6 compatibility



  • Bugfixes:
    • After adding a new transport, overlay's fnc_reset initializes the new transport, writes db data and loads departures, but never updates internal transport info, thus not displaying from, to and transport number in the popup right away, another load/reset loads the data properly
  • Improvements:
    • When a departure table page is opened in the active browser tab, display a '+' overlay on the main FoxIMHD button and on click - add a new transport directly from status bar, without using options, including resetting of overlay, thus initializing and loading also the newly added transport
    • Finish implementation of manual ordering using transports' ordinal column value

Older releases:

Install 0.5b3

  • Bugfixes:
    • Tooltip displayed incorrect data, now it's read directly from db
Install 0.5b2
  • Bugfixes:
    • Database query memory leaks
    • High Firefox load on adding/parsing a new transport
Install 0.5b1
  • Firefox 3.5 compatibility release
  • Complete rewrite of departure storage (SQLite database as storage engine)
  • Code optimization (Parser optimization and code standardization)
  • Interface facelift (Better national characters support,complete remake of options dialog,...)
Unreleased 0.4
  • Local disk cache for remote page content - no need to reload it everytime Firefox loads
  • Code improvement and fixes
Install 0.3.2
Install 0.3.1
Install 0.3.0
Install 0.2.2
Install 0.2.1
Install 0.2.0